* Installation functionalities
* @package PoweredCache
namespace PoweredCache;
use const PoweredCache\Constants\DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME;
use const PoweredCache\Constants\SETTING_OPTION;
* Class Install
class Install {
* Placeholder constructor.
public function __construct() {
* Return an instance of the current class
* @since 2.0
public static function factory() {
static $instance = false;
if ( ! $instance ) {
$instance = new self();
return $instance;
* Setup Hooks
public function setup() {
add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'check_version' ], 5 );
* Check DB version and run the updater is required.
public function check_version() {
if ( defined( 'IFRAME_REQUEST' ) && IFRAME_REQUEST ) {
if ( version_compare( get_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME ), POWERED_CACHE_DB_VERSION, '<' ) ) {
* Fires after plugin update.
* @hook powered_cache_updated
* @since 2.0
do_action( 'powered_cache_updated' );
* Perform Installation
public function install() {
if ( ! is_blog_installed() ) {
$lock_key = 'powered_cache_installing';
// Check if we are not already running
if ( $this->has_lock( $lock_key ) ) {
// lets set the transient now.
$this->set_lock( $lock_key );
} else {
$this->remove_lock( $lock_key );
* Upgrade routine for network wide activation
public function maybe_upgrade_network_wide() {
if ( version_compare( get_site_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME ), POWERED_CACHE_DB_VERSION, '<' ) ) {
$this->upgrade_30( true );
$this->upgrade_32( true );
$this->upgrade_33( true );
$this->upgrade_34( true );
\PoweredCache\Utils\log( sprintf( '[Networkwide] Upgrade DB version: %s', POWERED_CACHE_DB_VERSION ) );
* Upgrade routine
public function maybe_upgrade() {
if ( version_compare( get_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME ), POWERED_CACHE_DB_VERSION, '<' ) ) {
\PoweredCache\Utils\log( sprintf( 'Upgrade DB version: %s', POWERED_CACHE_DB_VERSION ) );
* Changing "accepted query string" as "ignored query string" with version 3.x
* @param bool $network_wide whether plugin activated network-wide or not
* @return void
* @since 3.0
public function upgrade_30( $network_wide = false ) {
$current_version = $network_wide ? get_site_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME ) : get_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME );
if ( ! version_compare( $current_version, '3.0', '<' ) ) {
$settings = \PoweredCache\Utils\get_settings( $network_wide );
if ( empty( $settings['accepted_query_strings'] ) ) {
$settings['ignored_query_strings'] = $settings['accepted_query_strings'];
unset( $settings['accepted_query_strings'] );
if ( $network_wide ) {
update_site_option( SETTING_OPTION, $settings );
} else {
update_option( SETTING_OPTION, $settings );
Config::factory()->save_configuration( $settings, $network_wide );
\PoweredCache\Utils\log( 'Upgraded to version 3.0' );
* Changing js execution method
* @param bool $network_wide whether plugin activated network-wide or not
* @return void
* @since 3.2
public function upgrade_32( $network_wide = false ) {
$current_version = $network_wide ? get_site_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME ) : get_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME );
if ( ! version_compare( $current_version, '3.2', '<' ) ) {
$settings = \PoweredCache\Utils\get_settings( $network_wide );
if ( ! empty( $settings['js_execution_method'] ) ) {
if ( in_array( $settings['js_execution_method'], [ 'async', 'defer' ], true ) ) {
$settings['js_defer'] = true;
if ( 'delayed' === $settings['js_execution_method'] ) {
$settings['js_delay'] = true;
$settings['combine_js'] = false;
unset( $settings['js_execution_method'] );
unset( $settings['js_execution_optimized_only'] );
if ( $network_wide ) {
update_site_option( SETTING_OPTION, $settings );
} else {
update_option( SETTING_OPTION, $settings );
Config::factory()->save_configuration( $settings, $network_wide );
\PoweredCache\Utils\log( 'Upgraded to version 3.2' );
* Upgrade routine for version 3.3
* @param bool $network_wide whether plugin activated network-wide or not
* @return void
public function upgrade_33( $network_wide = false ) {
$current_version = $network_wide ? get_site_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME ) : get_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME );
if ( ! version_compare( $current_version, '3.3', '<' ) ) {
$settings = \PoweredCache\Utils\get_settings( $network_wide );
// disable rewrite file optimizer if auto configure htaccess is disabled
if ( ! $settings['auto_configure_htaccess'] && $settings['rewrite_file_optimizer'] ) {
$settings['rewrite_file_optimizer'] = false;
if ( $network_wide ) {
update_site_option( SETTING_OPTION, $settings );
} else {
update_option( SETTING_OPTION, $settings );
Config::factory()->save_configuration( $settings, $network_wide );
if ( $settings['auto_configure_htaccess'] && $settings['rewrite_file_optimizer'] ) {
if ( $network_wide ) {
} else {
\PoweredCache\Utils\log( 'Upgraded to version 3.3' );
* Upgrade routine for version 3.4
* @param bool $network_wide whether plugin activated network-wide or not
* *
* @return void
public function upgrade_34( $network_wide = false ) {
$current_version = $network_wide ? get_site_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME ) : get_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME );
if ( ! version_compare( $current_version, '3.4', '<' ) ) {
$settings = \PoweredCache\Utils\get_settings( $network_wide );
$encryption = new Encryption();
if ( ! empty( $settings['cloudflare_api_key'] ) && false === $encryption->decrypt( $settings['cloudflare_api_key'] ) ) {
$settings['cloudflare_api_key'] = $encryption->encrypt( $settings['cloudflare_api_key'] );
if ( ! empty( $settings['cloudflare_api_token'] ) && false === $encryption->decrypt( $settings['cloudflare_api_token'] ) ) {
$settings['cloudflare_api_token'] = $encryption->encrypt( $settings['cloudflare_api_token'] );
if ( $network_wide ) {
update_site_option( SETTING_OPTION, $settings );
} else {
update_option( SETTING_OPTION, $settings );
Config::factory()->save_configuration( $settings, $network_wide );
\PoweredCache\Utils\log( 'Upgraded to version 3.4' );
* Check if a lock exists of the upgrade routine
* @param string $lock_name transient name
* @return bool
private function has_lock( $lock_name ) {
if ( 'yes' === get_site_transient( $lock_name ) ) {
return true;
return false;
if ( 'yes' === get_transient( $lock_name ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Set the lock
* @param string $lock_name transient name for the lock
* @return bool
private function set_lock( $lock_name ) {
return set_site_transient( $lock_name, 'yes', MINUTE_IN_SECONDS );
return set_transient( $lock_name, 'yes', MINUTE_IN_SECONDS );
* Remove lock
* @param string $lock_name transient name for the lock
* @return bool
private function remove_lock( $lock_name ) {
return delete_site_transient( $lock_name );
return delete_transient( $lock_name );
* Migrate existing options and extension settings from 1.x
public function maybe_migrate_from_1x() {
if ( POWERED_CACHE_IS_NETWORK ) { // 1x wasn't support network wide activation
$db_version = get_option( DB_VERSION_OPTION_NAME );
$old_options = get_option( SETTING_OPTION );
$default_options = \PoweredCache\Utils\get_settings();
if ( empty( $db_version ) && ! empty( $old_options ) ) {
\PoweredCache\Utils\log( 'Upgrading from version 1.x' );
$migrated_options = [];
// migrate the settings with same key
foreach ( $default_options as $key => $default_value ) {
if ( isset( $old_options[ $key ] ) ) {
$migrated_options[ $key ] = $old_options[ $key ];
} else {
$migrated_options[ $key ] = $default_value;
$changed_keys = [
'enable_page_caching' => 'enable_page_cache',
'configure_htaccess' => 'auto_configure_htaccess',
'cdn_status' => 'enable_cdn',
'show_cache_message' => 'cache_footprint',
foreach ( $changed_keys as $old_key => $new_key ) {
if ( isset( $old_options[ $old_key ] ) ) {
$migrated_options[ $new_key ] = $old_options[ $old_key ];
$active_extensions = (array) $old_options['active_extensions'];
$extension_settings = (array) $old_options['extension_settings'];
$migrated_options['enable_cloudflare'] = in_array( 'cloudflare', $active_extensions, true );
if ( ! empty( $extension_settings['cloudflare'] ) ) {
$migrated_options['cloudflare_email'] = $extension_settings['cloudflare']['email'];
$migrated_options['cloudflare_api_key'] = $extension_settings['cloudflare']['api_key'];
$migrated_options['cloudflare_zone'] = $extension_settings['cloudflare']['zone'];
$migrated_options['enable_lazy_load'] = in_array( 'lazy-load', $active_extensions, true );
if ( ! empty( $extension_settings['lazyload'] ) ) {
$migrated_options['lazy_load_post_content'] = $extension_settings['lazyload']['post_content'];
$migrated_options['lazy_load_images'] = $extension_settings['lazyload']['image'];
$migrated_options['lazy_load_iframes'] = $extension_settings['lazyload']['iframe'];
$migrated_options['lazy_load_widgets'] = $extension_settings['lazyload']['widget_text'];
$migrated_options['lazy_load_post_thumbnail'] = $extension_settings['lazyload']['post_thumbnail'];
$migrated_options['lazy_load_avatars'] = $extension_settings['lazyload']['avatar'];
$migrated_options['enable_cache_preload'] = in_array( 'preload', $active_extensions, true );
if ( ! empty( $extension_settings['preload'] ) ) {
$migrated_options['preload_homepage'] = (bool) $extension_settings['preload']['homepage'];
$migrated_options['preload_public_posts'] = (bool) $extension_settings['preload']['post_count'];
$migrated_options['preload_public_tax'] = (bool) $extension_settings['preload']['taxonomies'];
$migrated_options['enable_sitemap_preload'] = (bool) $extension_settings['preload']['sitemap_integration'];
$migrated_options['preload_sitemap'] = $extension_settings['preload']['sitemaps'];
$migrated_options['enable_varnish'] = in_array( 'varnish', $active_extensions, true );
if ( ! empty( $extension_settings['varnish'] ) ) {
$migrated_options['varnish_ip'] = $extension_settings['varnish']['varnish_ip'];
if ( in_array( 'minifier', $active_extensions, true ) && ! empty( $extension_settings['minifier'] ) ) {
$migrated_options['minify_html'] = $extension_settings['minifier']['minify_html'];
$migrated_options['minify_css'] = $extension_settings['minifier']['minify_css'];
$migrated_options['combine_css'] = $extension_settings['minifier']['concat_css'];
$migrated_options['minify_js'] = $extension_settings['minifier']['minify_js'];
$migrated_options['combine_js'] = $extension_settings['minifier']['concat_js'];
$migrated_options['excluded_css_files'] = $extension_settings['minifier']['excluded_css'];
$migrated_options['excluded_js_files'] = $extension_settings['minifier']['excluded_js'];
$migrated_options['js_execution_method'] = $extension_settings['minifier']['js_execution'];
update_option( SETTING_OPTION, $migrated_options );
Config::factory()->save_configuration( $migrated_options ); // make it current
\PoweredCache\Utils\log( 'Upgraded from version 1.x' );
// remove old crons
wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'powered_cache_preload_hook' );
wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'powered_cache_preload_child_process' );
wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'powered_cache_purge_cache' );