Source: core.php

 * Core plugin functionality.
 * @package PoweredCache

namespace PoweredCache\Core;

use PoweredCache\Async\CachePreloader;
use PoweredCache\Async\CachePurger;
use PoweredCache\Async\DatabaseOptimizer;
use PoweredCache\Config;
use const PoweredCache\Constants\DB_CLEANUP_COUNT_CACHE_KEY;
use const PoweredCache\Constants\MENU_SLUG;
use PoweredCache\Optimizer\JS;
use \WP_Error as WP_Error;

 * Default setup routine
 * @return void
function setup() {
	add_action( 'init', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\i18n' );
	add_action( 'init', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\init' );
	add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\admin_scripts' );
	add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\admin_styles' );
	add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\block_editor_assets' );
	add_action( 'plugins_loaded', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\register_async_process' );

	// Hook to allow async or defer on asset loading.
	add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\script_loader_tag', 10, 2 );

	 * Fires after powered cache loaded
	 * @hook  powered_cache_loaded
	 * @since 2.0
	do_action( 'powered_cache_loaded' );

 * Registers the default textdomain.
 * @return void
function i18n() {
	$locale = apply_filters( 'plugin_locale', get_locale(), 'powered-cache' ); // This filter is documented in /wp-includes/l10n.php.
	load_textdomain( 'powered-cache', WP_LANG_DIR . '/powered-cache/powered-cache-' . $locale . '.mo' );
	load_plugin_textdomain( 'powered-cache', false, plugin_basename( POWERED_CACHE_PATH ) . '/languages/' );

 * Initializes the plugin and fires an action other plugins can hook into.
 * @return void
function init() {
	 * Fires during init
	 * @hook  powered_cache_init
	 * @since 2.0
	do_action( 'powered_cache_init' );

 * Activate the plugin
 *  `POWERED_CACHE_IS_NETWORK` useless on networkwide activation at first
 * @param bool $network_wide Whether network-wide configuration or not
 * @return void
function activate( $network_wide ) {
	$settings = \PoweredCache\Utils\get_settings( $network_wide );
	Config::factory()->save_configuration( $settings, $network_wide );

 * Deactivate the plugin
 * Uninstall routines should be in uninstall.php
 * @param bool $network_wide Whether network-wide configuration or not
 * @return void
function deactivate( $network_wide ) {

	// cancel async jobs
	$cache_preloader = CachePreloader::factory();
	$db_optimizer = DatabaseOptimizer::factory();

	// cleanup transients
	delete_site_transient( DB_CLEANUP_COUNT_CACHE_KEY );
	delete_transient( DB_CLEANUP_COUNT_CACHE_KEY );

 * The list of knows contexts for enqueuing scripts/styles.
 * @return array
function get_enqueue_contexts() {
	return [ 'admin', 'frontend', 'shared', 'classic-editor' ];

 * Generate an URL to a script, taking into account whether SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled.
 * @param string $script  Script file name (no .js extension)
 * @param string $context Context for the script ('admin', 'frontend', or 'shared')
 * @return string|WP_Error URL
function script_url( $script, $context ) {

	if ( ! in_array( $context, get_enqueue_contexts(), true ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'invalid_enqueue_context', 'Invalid $context specified in PoweredCache script loader.' );

	return POWERED_CACHE_URL . "dist/js/{$script}.js";


 * Generate an URL to a stylesheet, taking into account whether SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled.
 * @param string $stylesheet Stylesheet file name (no .css extension)
 * @param string $context    Context for the script ('admin', 'frontend', or 'shared')
 * @return string URL
function style_url( $stylesheet, $context ) {

	if ( ! in_array( $context, get_enqueue_contexts(), true ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'invalid_enqueue_context', 'Invalid $context specified in PoweredCache stylesheet loader.' );

	return POWERED_CACHE_URL . "dist/css/{$stylesheet}.css";


 * Enqueue scripts for admin.
 * @param string $hook Current hook.
 * @return void
function admin_scripts( $hook ) {

	$classic_editor_hooks = [ 'post-new.php', 'post.php' ];

	if ( in_array( $hook, $classic_editor_hooks, true ) ) {
			script_url( 'classic-editor', 'classic-editor' ),

	if ( empty( $_GET['page'] ) || MENU_SLUG !== $_GET['page'] ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended

		script_url( 'admin', 'admin' ),

		plugin_dir_path( POWERED_CACHE_PLUGIN_FILE ) . 'languages'


 * Enqueue Block Editor assets
 * @since 2.0
function block_editor_assets() {

	if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_others_posts' ) ) {

	 * Min. WP 5.3 required for block editor plugin due to useSelect
	 * Likely the older version of react didn't support hooks.
	 * The post meta-box works with compat mode vice-versa...
	if ( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '5.3', '>=' ) ) {
			script_url( 'editor', 'admin' ),

		wp_enqueue_script( 'powered-cache-editor' );

			plugin_dir_path( POWERED_CACHE_PLUGIN_FILE ) . 'languages'


 * Enqueue styles for admin.
 * @return void
function admin_styles() {
	// load on the powered cache page only
	if ( empty( $_GET['page'] ) || MENU_SLUG !== $_GET['page'] ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended

		style_url( 'admin-style', 'admin' ),


 * Add async/defer attributes to enqueued scripts that have the specified script_execution flag.
 * @link
 * @param string $tag    The script tag.
 * @param string $handle The script handle.
 * @return string
function script_loader_tag( $tag, $handle ) {
	$script_execution = wp_scripts()->get_data( $handle, 'script_execution' );

	if ( ! $script_execution ) {
		return $tag;

	if ( 'async' !== $script_execution && 'defer' !== $script_execution ) {
		return $tag;

	// Abort adding async/defer for scripts that have this script as a dependency. _doing_it_wrong()?
	foreach ( wp_scripts()->registered as $script ) {
		if ( in_array( $handle, $script->deps, true ) ) {
			return $tag;

	// Add the attribute if it hasn't already been added.
	if ( ! preg_match( ":\s$script_execution(=|>|\s):", $tag ) ) {
		$tag = preg_replace( ':(?=></script>):', " $script_execution", $tag, 1 );

	return $tag;

 * Invoke async classes
function register_async_process() {